March 15, 1871 Wednesday

March 15 Wednesday  Sam wrote a short note from Buffalo to his mother and family. “Livy sits up 2 hours at a time, but can’t walk yet” [MTL 4: 361].

Sam also wrote Redpath offering to lecture in the Northeast for $150, but for not less than $250 in Boston. He asked for confidentiality on the matter [362].

Elisha Bliss wrote to Sam: “Your brother handed me your letters. I cannot conceive what we have done to draw your fire so strongly. I believe some misapprehension exists on your part of the position—& although you interdict the subject, I cannot let it drop without a reply. If I overpressed you to write monthly for us, I am sorry.” He went on at length to explain and smooth things over, relating his letter of Mar. 8 (not extant) and Sam’s of Mar 9 [MTP].

March 15 to 18 Saturday  Sam wrote from Buffalo to OrionBliss had dismissed a child’s story that Orion had written for the Publisher, and asked Sam to evaluate it.

“My opinion of a children’s article is wholly worthless, for I never saw one that I thought was worth the ink it was written with, & yet you know & I know that such literature is marvelously popular & worth heaps of money” [MTL 4: 362].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.