March 11, 1871 Saturday

March 11 Saturday – Orion Clemens wrote from Hartford to Sam:

“Your letters of the 9th & 10th just received. I showed them to Bliss, who is much pleased.” He gave details on the outlaw Slade, evidently answering Twain’s question. Orion also gave a description: “I think he was about your size, if any difference rather shorter and more slender. He had gray eyes, very light straight hair…and a hard looking face seamed like a man of 60, though otherwise he did not seem over thirty. I think the sides of his face were wrinkled. His face was thin, his nose straight and ordinarily prominent—lips rather thinner than usual—otherwise nothing unusual about his mouth, except that his smile was attractive and his manner pleasant. Nothing peculiar about his voice…neither very fine nor very coarse” [MTP].

March 11 and 13 Monday  Sam wrote from Buffalo to Orion, objecting strenuously to Orion and Bliss’ continual calls for material from him for the American Publisher newspaper (see Orion’s of Mar. 8). Sam wanted to be only an “occasional” contributor, and on his own terms as to when. It is here that Sam expresses his understanding of Harte’s wild popularity and his desire to “top” Harte “again or bust.”

I don’t want to see my name anywhere in print for 3 months to come.

I must & will keep shady & quiet till Bret Harte simmers down a little & then I mean to go up head again & stay there until I have published the two books already contracted for & just one more beside, which latter shall make a ripping sensation or I have overestimated the possibilities of my subject [the African diamond mine book]. [MTL 1: 349-51].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.