July 7, 1874 Tuesday 

July 7 Tuesday – In the morning Sam returned to Elmira [MTL 6: 176n1, 183n1]. Sam’s position on the board of directors to the Hartford Accident Insurance Co. was confirmed [MTL 6: 172].

Jane Clemens wrote to Sam and Livy.

My dear children

We received the dispatch a month ago to morrow. Not hearing any more we were not certain you were alive. But I spent the 4th at Mr McKinstry’s with Mrs Gray of Buffalo and she told me you were going to make a visit to Buffalo and Fredonia before you go home. We were all delighted to hear it. Mela and I spent yesterday with Mrs Gray at Lewis Mcs his wife is related to Mrs Gray We are waiting for Mr Gray to come this week when they will all spend a day with us

Mela sends love and wishes you to let us know when you are ready to come so she can keep the girl at home I want to see the children very much especially Susa. My love to all the family. Livy I hope you are well.

Mother  if Annie & Sammie were in they would have something to say [MTP].

Frank Fuller wrote:

My Dear Mark:— / I got back and hastened to the St. Nicholas to see you. I did not wish to take passage on the Comet, but I did desire to talk with you on several topics. The noble clerk told me you had left for Elmira. Thither, therefore, I send this.

I came loaded down with the First Mortgage Bonds of a railroad in which I am interested. The company have empowered me to sell them, and think they should bring 85%. The total amt. is $300,000.

I will enclose you a slip cut from the Salt Lake Herald of June 16. The article is a good one and tells the truth. I wrote it.

…. [omitted financial details here] …

I wanted to see you to tell you how you could make a pretty sum by aiding me to place the entire lot in Hartford or anywhere else. I have had an idea, all along, that I would give Hartford a chance to buy them.

I ask the closest investigation into the matter of the cost of the road, its condition, present earnings & prospects. If desired by intending purchasers, the Co. will pay the expenses of a man to go out and examine. If all is not exactly as I represent, then it is no sale.

Will you be in N.Y. soon again? I desire to talk this bond business over with you. If I go to Hartford about it, I should like to go this week. If I could see you I incline to the opinion that you would be tempted to go with me. If needed, I believe the principal stock-holders would join in a personal guarantee that the stipulations of the bond shd be carried out. This would render the bond as strong as any in the market, as the stock is owned by some very wealthy men. I will send you a copy of the bond if you think it would interest you.

I trust you are well and happy and that all is well with Mrs. Clemens and the dear little “Modoc.”

Mrs. Fuller begs to be kindly remembered to you all and hopes to hear good accounts of Mrs. Clemens.

When you come to N.Y. tell us about it in advance and do not wander off to any hotel, but come straight to us. We will be charmed to see you & yours at all times. / Sincerely your friend. /Frank Fuller [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.