July 8, 1874 Wednesday

July 8 Wednesday  In Elmira Sam replied to the June 28 of Thomas Bailey Aldrich about the family’s health, revisions he’d made on Aldrich’s book, Howell’s father, William Cooper Howells (1807-1894) (Sam mistakenly wrote “son”) being appointed consul at Quebec, and his hope to take possession of the new house in September, with hope that the Howellses and the Aldriches could help them christen the place [MTL 6: 178].

From Charles E. Perkins ’ cash book, Sam’s account: “To po Caswell Brothers [Hartford Meat Market] 31.18; Garvie 500.00” [Berg collection, NYPL]. Note: Bills were not always sent timely—the meat bill would have been for early May, prior to the move to Elmira, about half of a normal month’s bill.

July 810 Friday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Anna Dickinson, responding to her July 1 letter, which asked how many pages and what price she should put on a book to be published with Bliss. Sam offered specifics. Dickinson had been seeking advice and help from Warner and Charles Perkins for many months. Anna had been a close friend of the Langdon family for years, based on her abolitionist crusade that had brought her fame during the Civil War. She had once written that Sam was a “vulgar boor,” but evidently he’d grown on her [MTL 6: 180].

Sam also wrote a short to Frank Fuller, who missed meeting with Sam at the St. Nicholas Hotel a few days before. Sam answered that he’d just been to Hartford and couldn’t go again until September. Fuller was into selling railroad bonds and wanted to either confer with Sam about selling them in Hartford and/or stick him with a few [MTL 6: 182].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.