May 8, 1880 Saturday 

May 8 Saturday  Sam wrote from Hartford to Frank Bliss, denying ever having offered a free book to a man named Wood. “The book to Watson is all right. Wood is apparently a bloody fool” [MTLE 5: 100].

Thomas H. Murray wrote from McKinney, Tex. to Sam

Sam’l L. Clements, / Dear Sir: I remember a young man, (and often have I thought of him,) bearing your honored name. I met him at Warsaw, Mo., before the war, “fighting for his Wright’s.” I was then chief clerk of the Missouri Legislature—he, a sailor on the Father of Waters. We met at Judge Wright’s: he, courting Laura; I, eating Brandy peaches with the Mother.

      “Art thou the man?” If yes, then I rejoice that my boy-hood friend has kept his light burning on top of the bushel-measure, and mankind have had pleasure thereat.

      I was 44 years old last Sunday, May 2. That’s a long road to travel, but it has, I must say, been a pleasant one to me. But enough, just now. Laura lives at Dallas, near me. (32 miles.)

      Excuse me for intruding on your busy presence,—but I have often threatened to myself the pleasure of making this inquiry, and have now so done. / Respectfully… [MTP;MTL 1: 114n7]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Warsaw, Mo.”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.