May 13, 1880 Thursday 

May 13 Thursday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Thomas H. Murray, responding to his May 8 letter. Murray had written about Sam courting Laura Wright. Sam did not mention Laura Wright. He told a story about being approached by an old man in Germany, who claimed he’d once saved Sam and Thomas’ lives on a runaway stage over a precipice. The geezer hit Sam up for ten dollars, which he paid, probably amused. Sam asked Thomas, did he recall any such event? [MTLE 5: 102].

C. McCarthy of Boston, “antiques, furniture & porcelain,” invoiced Sam $15 for a brass fender, paid May 17 [MTP].

Pamela Moffett and Jane Clemens wrote from Fredonia to Sam and Livy. Jane confided advice she’d given Orion about working until July or August then coming to Fredonia and rooming with them in a leave of absence for a few weeks, so he might “avail himself of all the reminiscences ma and the rest of us could furnish him.” This for Orion’s autobiography [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.