May 23, 1880 Sunday

May 23 Sunday – In BostonHowells wrote to Sam about the “Modest Club,” his stay in Washington and the effort for international copyright protections.

The only reason I have for not joining the Modest Club is that I am too modest: that is, I am afraid that I am not modest enough….Mrs. Howells applauded the notion of the Club from the very first. She said she knew one thing: that she was modest enough, any way….I have sent your letter and the rules to Hay. But I doubt his modesty…[MTHL 1: 310].

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam. “I know Voorhies and Wallace—both of this city—the latter a geologist, who went there for some company; the former struck it rich. His partner is Charlie Higham, ex-auctioneer of Keokuk—brother of your old friend Dick. By the way, did you ever hear that Dick Higham was shot through the middle of the forehead at Donelson?” [MTP]. Note: see mid-July entry 1855 for Clemens’ recollection of Dick Higham.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.