February 18, 1882 Saturday

February 18 Saturday – According to the New York Times, page 8 under “PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE,” Sam was staying at the Hotel BrunswickNote: Sam may have thrown off the Times by some sort of ruse—the Clemens family stayed at the Gilsey House; see bill at end of this entry.

Gilman Collamore & Co., “china, glass, pottery” New York, receipted $23.33 for “1 doz oyster plates $15; 1/3 doz tumblers $3.33; 2/3 doz tumblers $5”. [MTP]. See Feb. 14 & 17 entries for other purchases.

R.B. Buchanan for Western Publishing House wrote [MTP].

John W. Sanborn wrote from Perry, NY asking how to treat the adjective in Greek, as he’d advised him how to do so in Latin last Nov. [MTP].

William J. Lampton wrote:

You will remember perhaps in 1876 when I was in St Louis keeping books I asked you to assist me in getting a place in a newspaper but you told me I’d better stick at what I was. But I didn’t do it, and five years ago this month I went to Ky and started down so low as to publish a Republican paper in that state (Possibly you dont know just what sort of a job that was. I do—now) Then I went to Cincinnati & then here in 1879 & here I have succeeded in getting my name in lots of papers and my picture in several more and this week just 5 years from my first work on a newspaper I have been offered & accepted the position of City Editor of the Courier-Journal of Louisville without any solicitation or knowledge of it until the proposition was made. That’s all. I feel like I am entitled to this crow for you were the first man I ever talked to in the newspaper business and I felt interested in you. No preventing Providence. I go to Louisville Mch 1st & if you ever come down that way, we will see if we cant find a fresh cork out of a bourbon bottle for you to smell at. . . . Remember me to Mrs Clemens and the little chicks. / Yours, / W. J. Lampton / Ed Herald [MTPO].

The Gilsey House bill written on Feb. 21, $86.60, to “Sam and wife” stayed in room 91 for one day, and room 86 for 16th to 18th; rooms $14, meals $14.40, carriages $1.50, messages $1.70, and cash advanced of $55 [MTP]. This bill sets the dates of the trip at Feb. 14/15 through Feb. 18, the couple leaving on Feb. 19 (where Sam wrote a letter from Hartford on that date); bill paid Feb. 27.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.