February 21, 1882 Tuesday

February 21 Tuesday – From Hartford, Sam typed a letter to Lieutenant Charles Wood at West Point. Wood had mentioned “Miss Terese Blackburn, a charming Kentucky schoolgirl,” who was anxious for a “genuine talk” with Mark Twain.

Twichell’s Tribe and mine are still in doctor’s hands. The circumstances remain in both cases about as they were before. Do not let the charming Kentucky school girl get away from there: put her under martial restraint until we come, for Joe and I are certainly coming, just as soon as things will permit.

We bear your proffered hospitality in mind, and propose to take advantage of it as early as we can. Speaking of dead days: Have you seen my 1601? Did not Gen. Sherman or Gen. Van Vliet have it when I was at the Point? It’s circulation is quietly enlarging: A copy of it has just gone to Japan [to Edward House]. I shall get into trouble with it yet before I die [Leon 227-8].

Sam also typed a letter to Mary Mason Fairbanks, revealing that the late Dan Slote had in fact stole from him:

“…during at least seven years unsuspected by me. I never found him out until twelve months ago. I did not find him out then, but a sharper man than I am, did” [MTP]. Note: the sharper man was Webster.

Gilsey House of New York billed $86.60 for the Feb. 15 through 18stay; paid Feb. 27 (see Feb. 18) [MTP]. Note: Hotel invoices were sometimes written a day or more after Sam’s stay. This one is unique in that it specifies dates of stay in more than one room.

Jane Clemens started a letter from Fredonia to Sam & Livy that she finished Feb. 21. About diphtheria and smallpox fears, about her inability to visit yet though she hoped to come soon [MTP].

Louis Fréchette sent Sam a circular “Vive La France!” of a poem in French [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.