August 16, 1882 Wednesday

August 16 Wednesday – Jane Clemens wrote from Fredonia to Sam and Livy: “The time for us to leave here is two weeks from yesterday. Mrs London our Dr. said this morning she thought it would be better if we could go sooner. Mollie is better than I have seen her before. Orion is better, but not well. Orion will do as you advised about our going. Your very kind letter was a comfort to us all” [MTP].

Heliotype Printing, Boston per W.D. Scandlin wrote: “We send you today copies of your portrait as it has been printed i.e. on paper 6×9 1/2, and also samples of same trimmed down to Cabinet size.” Which did he prefer? [MTP].

Rev. J. Chester for Lincoln University wrote on a flyer for the school: “I draw on you today for $150.—as you indicated—in my visit to you June 21st ultimo—.” Sam had agreed to support a student there and the faculty had chosen A.W. Jones of Wilson, N.C., first in his class of 51 with ave. grades of 96.8% [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Colored College student”

Robert Underwood Johnson for Century Magazine wrote asking for “a monograph of the remarks on R.R. passes—say two Century pages” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.