August 30, 1882 Wednesday

August 30 Wednesday – Sam’s sister Pamela Moffett wrote him; Sam added a postscript sending it on to Annie Webster. Pamela emphasized that Charley had made everything perfectly satisfactory, and that she’d been distressed by Orion’s writing to Sam about her affairs, even though he’d meant well. Orion had jumped to conclusions, misunderstood Charley and misconstrued his acts, she wrote. “…every time a misunderstanding is cleared up it leaves me with a higher opinion of him [Charles Webster] than ever before.” Sam’s postscript to Annie:

“Well, Annie, you see there’s nothing so wholesome as an occasional storm. It clears the atmosphere. I think your mother will end by having as high an opinion of Charley’s integrity & honorable intentions as I have always had. SLC” [MTBus 195].

John H. Carter (“Commodore Rollingpin”) wrote a postcard that he was sending “a copy of the N. Orleans Democrat containing a history of basin on Miss.” [MTP].

Annie Webster wrote: “I write in great haste while waiting for the car, to say, that Charley has made every thing perfectly, satisfactory [MTP].

A.P. Watt, London Literary Agent, wrote (Geo. MacDonald Aug. 26 to MT and circular enclosed). Should Clemens “be disposed to entrust me with the disposal of any literary productions…” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.