March 6, 1884 Thursday 

March 6 Thursday – Something had changed Sam’s mind on the calendar work for L. Prang & Co.—perhaps Sam’s questioning of the agreement had made Prang reevaluate the deal and offer Sam a way out; or he added to the work needed for the same price. Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles Webster.

“This is the best luck I’ve had in 7 years. Get the Prang contract canceled, right away—don’t let him change his mind. You can’t imagine what a horrible 3-months’ job it would have been. I wouldn’t sign the Prang contract again, though it offered me ninety per cent” [MTBus 242].

Sam also reminded Webster to get the rest of the money that Osgood owed. “Don’t let him bust on us,” Sam wrote [242].

George H. Warner wrote from New York, evidently answering Sam’s request about viewing some quilts. Warner described three, and wrote, “I will wait for your telegram tomorrow before going to the auction.” He confessed quilts were out of his line, and wondered what the value of Japanese quilts were [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.