September 8, 1884 Monday 

September 8 Monday – Sam wrote a short note from Elmira to George Iles, the Canadian editor.

“You have my best thanks; & when Pond has fixed my dates I will drop you a line; & shall hope that they fall as you have suggested” [MTP].

Sam also wrote two notes to Charles Webster. The first enclosed a photograph of the Gerhardt bust of Clemens—Sam wanted the image to be a frontispiece for Huck Finn and credit given to Gerhardt. It might require Webster going to Boston to contract for a heliotype of the photograph from the Heliotype Printing Co. The second, shorter note sent news of a stock Sam had sold at a profit and a check for $5,000 [MTP]. Note: the picture of Gerhardt’s bust of Sam was included in the first edition of Huck Finn.

Bissell & Co. wrote to Clemens, enclosing letter of Mr. Gilleg in reply to their inquiry of Sam’s dividend [MTP].

Buffalo Bill Cody wrote and enclosed three tickets to his wild west show: “I would be pleased to see you at one of the entertainments of the Wild West” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.