October 20, 1884 Monday 

October 20 Monday – Sam spoke at a Mugwump Rally, Allyn Hall, Hartford, introducing Carl Schurz, the main speaker. His remarks as Chairman are published in Fatout’s Mark Twain Speaking, p.186-7. Thomas W. Russell, a director of the Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. introduced Sam [MTNJ 2: 74n26]. NoteJames G. Blaine never explained how he became rich with little visible means of support, so that the cloud of corruption remained on him. “Mugwumps” were Republicans who favored Grover Cleveland, the Democrat candidate.

Alexander & Green attorneys wrote to Clemens that they’d written the American News Co. in Alabama about the ads for Sam’s books. Frank Bliss responded that “he had taken action through a local attorney in Alabama to stop the sale and thought it effectually stopped” and that Fred Hall had sent them a “decoy letter” asking for P&P and IA and enclosed Coker’s reply (not in file) [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “See Bliss about this tomorrow”

October 20? Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Howells after reading the first two chapters of The Rise of Silas Lapham, serialized in the Nov. issue of the Century. Sam asked for a copy of the new Sellers play so he might “get some truck out for the plat-form readings.” Of Lapham, Sam wrote:

“I was glad & more than glad to meet young Hubbard again, & I prodigiously like the Colonel; the story starts most acceptably” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.