September 21, 1887 Wednesday 

September 21 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Richard Watson Gilder of Century Magazine about using the artist Edward Windsor Kemble for Library of Humor illustrations.

Consound you, I want my artist. I didn’t GIVE him to you, I only lent him. ‘Course I mean Kemble. I shall telegraph him & tell him to go ahead and make my pictures…[MTP from Am. Art Assoc. catalog, May 7, 1928 Item 144].

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam for Webster & Co., reporting that the Hancock book “came out yesterday, so that so far there has not been a moment’s delay” [MTNJ 3: 320n60]. (See Sept. 20.) Hall also reported on Samuel S. Cox’s book, Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey:

We calculated that it would cost from $2500 to $3000 to make the plates of this book. We find that so far we have spent $1600.40 on it; fully three-quarters of the work is completed, so that we over-estimated the cost of this book [MTNJ 3: 324n74].

Joseph Warner for Putnam Phalanx wrote an invitation for Sam to attend the annual excursion to Washington, Mount Vernon, and Baltimore Oct. 3 to 8 [MTP].

W.E. Barrows for Hinkley Locomotive Co., Boston wrote to Sam, enclosing a letter (not extant) from a man who could help them build the typesetter [MTP].

George C. Bidwell of Hartford wrote to Sam: “Your very kind note of this date [not extant] is received,” and he would call on Tuesday , Sept. 27 at 11 a.m. [MTP].

Hank A. Wheeler for Weymouth Theatre Royal, London wrote to Sam asking if he had “written any plays and if so had they been acted in this country” Sam wrote on the envelope “Brer W. I will dictate answer SLC” [MTP].

Check #  Payee  Amount  [Notes]

3817  S.P. Griswold  29.05

3818  James L. Whitman  100.54

3819  Hunting & Hammond  111.10


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.