December 21, 1888 Friday

December 21 Friday – In Hartford Sam wrote to his old friend Frank Fuller. Sam’s letter is obviously a response to Fuller’s (not extant). Fuller had been influential in getting Sam to invest in several schemes and securities, and it seems from his reply below that Fuller was up to more promoting.

Bless you I’ve been there! And I left $20,000 behind. I wouldn’t take $40,000 cash for that experience. It’s the best investment I’ve ever made. It is divided up in driblets among all the promising stocks of several years ago. I gave all of them a lift & am not going to assist them any more [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Webster & Co., letter not extant but referred to in Webster’s Dec. 22 [MTP].

Erroll Drake wrote from London to Sam: “Sometime ago I sent you a sketch and you wrote to me as ‘Master Erroll.’ I am not a boy but a girl, 14 years old. I am sending you acopy of some verses I composed…” Booklet of six, four-line verses in the file [MTP].

Abby S. Richardson wrote to Sam: “My father who has come from New England to spend the holiday with me is seriously ill which prevents my coming to Hartford at present. The only day I can leave…is Saturday, as I have engagements….” Sam wrote on the env. “Or tell her leave N.Y. at 9 a.m. & she can leave our house at 2.30 pm” [MTP].

Nicoll The Tailor, Hartford, billed $35: “For Suit” [MTP] Note: not marked paid; branches in Boston, Baltimore, Brooklyn, Wash. Pittsburgh, Hartford.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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