December 29, 1888 Saturday

December 29 Saturday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Will Bowen answering a recent letter (unlisted).

I am exceedingly glad to know that your little people have come through safely & that the shadow has passed. … The children will be glad to get Mrs. Bowen’s Texan flowers & will be on the lookout for them with the interest of their sex in the nearest image which Nature affords of their sex. …. It is possible that my machine will be finished in a few days, now — but we never prophecy any more [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Augustin Daly, thanking him for his “kind invitation” which Livy and he would “take advantage of,” at first opportunity. Sam answered that he’d taken so long to answer (Daly wrote Dec. 18) because he’d expected to go to New York and “answer by word of mouth; but things have constantly interfered” [MTP].

Sam also responded to Frank Fuller, who had sent him a razor strop and asked if Webster & Co. could consider a book.

When I strop I shall always think of you; & that will be three times a week.

We can’t take any more books for a long time yet. We are over-crowded, & must wait till we work the list down [MTP].

Sam’s notebook includes the announcement given to Livy on Dec. 31 and this entry about it:

(Furnished to Van, Dec. 29, to be used as his first “copy.”) [MTNJ 3: 439]. See Dec. 31 for the copy.

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam that his monthly $155 check rec’d. “Ma had a bad night, last night; sleepless; had me up about once an hour. She coughs a good deal, and so do I, but Mollie beats all with a dire, racking, painful, consumptive cough. She will go out this afternoon hunting an attendant.” Orion wished Sam would tell him about the typesetter; he thanked them for the Christmas presents [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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