November 6, 1889 Wednesday

November 6 Wednesday – Sam returned to Hartford [MTNJ 3: 526n142].

Richard W. Gilder for Century Magazine wrote to Sam that Nov. 15 was the date of the Fellowcraft Club dinner. Sam would go and schemed a surprise with James B. Pond (see Nov. 15).

Frederick J. Hall wrote sorry he’d missed Sam the day before; had he known Sam wanted to see him he would have made it a point to be in the city; after phoning to the Murray Hill and the Victoria Hotels, he’d discovered Sam had checked out of the latter. He enclosed a letter from the N.Y. Sun (not extant) [MTP]. See Nov. 7 from Hall.

November 6 Wednesday ca. – About this day Dean Sage came to Hartford from Albany to examine the Paige typesetter (see Nov. 19, Sage to Sam) [MTNJ 3: 527n144].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.