November 11, 1889 Monday

November 11 Monday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Dan Beard, thrilled about the illustrations for CY.

Hold me under permanent obligations. What luck it was to find you!…it was a fortunate hour that I went netting for lightning-bugs & caught a meteor [MTP].

Frederick J. Hall wrote that completed sheets of CY would be done by Friday, Nov. 15 [MTLTP 258n2].

John M. Wilson for West Point again wrote to Sam, who had accepted Wilson’s Nov. 1 invitation to visit (letter not extant) on Nov. 8. Wilson again offered his residence for Sam’s lodging and requested that Sam telegraph his arrival time, originally planned for Dec. 7 [Leon 76].

Howard P. Taylor wrote from N.Y. to Sam:

Your two favors duly received — yes, I remember the old song of ‘Villikens,’ but I can only recall the first verse:…I will search the music stores today, and if I can secure a copy will forward. Will be at your ‘shop’ on 14th St. at 4 P.M. on Thursday next, as per your appointment. / I will also see Mr. Sanger today, and if you desire it, will get him to reserve you seats for Thursday Evening….No, I’m not a member of the Fellowcraft Club, but will be happy to join you in the devour. Will it be a dress affair? You know my tendencies are rather plebian, and my swallow-tail is still at the cleaner’s.

Weather here rather amalgamated, which doesn’t do my old Washoe head-trouble any good — I suppose you remember the remedy you once suggested for this, when I told you, “if somebody would only scoop out my brains and fill my skull with mud, I know I would feel better,” you unfeelingly remarked, “if somebody would scoop out the mud and fill it with brains, it might have a still better effect!” I have never forgotten it, for it was real tough….[After signature:] Enclosed is from yesterday’s World. If you have not already seen it, thought you might like to know something of your disgraceful juvenility [MTP]. Note: Article not in MTP file; the Fellowcraft dinner and speech was Nov. 15.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.