November 14, 1889 Thursday

November 14 Thursday – In Hartford, Sam responded to Sylvester Baxter’s Nov. 13 letter.

I was Howell’s guest in Boston yesterday when you were writing your letter, & at his suggestion I set your name down for the book — you will receive it about 30 days from now. No — I’ll send you a full set of the sheets now within a week, & you can publish what you write about the same day that what Howells has written appears in the “Study.” That will be about Dec. 20 — Harper is to issue a day or so later than usual. The book itself will issue 8 days earlier (Dec. 12) but there will be no reviews of it in the month of December…for no copies will be sent to the press until the book has been out a few weeks & its canvass completed [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Elinor M. Howells and William Dean Howells, thanking them for a “most refreshing visit” and angling for a return visit from them. Sam reported that Edmund C. Stedman agreed with him about revising a particular sentence in CY and wrote out the change. Sam also PS’d how successful the part of the priest (Don Ippolito) was in William’s play, A Foregone Conclusion [MTHL 2: 620-1].

Edward H. McClure for American Printers’ Exchange, Buffalo, N.Y. wrote to Sam soliciting a specimen of his writing for their “Franklin Souvenir” [MTP].

Howard P. Taylor was to meet Sam at 4 p.m., and also to join him the next evening for the Fellowcraft dinner. See Nov. 11 Taylor to Sam.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.