November 26, 1889 Tuesday

November 26 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Sylvester Baxter of the Boston Herald about sending illustrations for CY and sending sheets of the book to a Mr. Zuboff at Baxter’s request [MTP]. Note: The Herald’s review was not one of the first in Budd’s Contemporary Reviews.

On or just after this date Sam answered Hunting & Howard’s Nov. 25 letter through instructions to Franklin G. Whitmore (unspecified) [MTP].

Joseph T. Goodman wrote to Sam, who wrote at the top “A still newer arrangement (Dec. 3) entered into since this letter was written.” Joe acknowledged getting Sam’s letter of Nov. 16 and 19. He still suffered from neuralgia of the face. He thought Sam’s new proposition was “a much better one to interest capitalists than the old one.” He thought Senator John P. Jones was in Nevada now; he suggesting hitting up John W. Mackay if Jones was not interested. “I will go down and see Mackay, Hayward, Hobart and a lot of the other moneyed men. I had rather Jones would take hold of it than any of the others, because I like him best” [MTP]. Note: Alvinza Hayward (1822-1904) well-known gold mining millionare and “Silver Baron”; and W.S. Hobart were mine directors.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam: “I enclose a note from the Rose Publishing Co. which explains itself [probably the one just prior was encl?] Have cabled Samson Low & Co.; also written. Will advise you as soon as we hear from them” [MTP].

F.G. Saltonstall, Chairman for the Union League Club wrote to Sam:

The lecture committee of the Club would be gratified if you will give a lecture at the Club House at an early date. The entertainment is wholly confined to the members of the Club and their families and is therefore in a large sense, private [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.