December 7, 1889 Saturday

December 7 SaturdayRobert Donald wrote to Sam:

I write to say that I have given an article — similar to the one I have sent to the Pall Mall Gazette — concerning the interview which you kindly accorded me the other day, to the N.Y. Times. The editor was anxious to get it, & instead of waiting while it returned from London I thought it would be more opportune to publish it now, about the date when your new book will be issued. / I have written to the business manager of the London Star — who is on the lookout for a good type-setting machine — asking him to wait until February when I hope to be able to send him full particulars on the Paige compositor [MTP].

Charles L. Webster wrote from Fredonia, N.Y. to Sam: “In Dec 1886 Henry M. Stanley promised me personally his next book should he ever write one. I have his written promise in a personal letter to me over his signature.” Webster reported better health and offered to see Stanley and use his “best efforts in regard” to the proposed book [MTP].

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam: “Have this day received the following cable from Sampson, Low & Co. ‘Stanley says, cable Twain to correspond with me respecting his telegram’”. Hall also confirmed a cable from Chatto & Windus that they had published (CY) the day Sam was in Canada, Dec. 6 [MTP]. Note: a duplicate of this is listed in the MTP catalogue as a second letter.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.