May 19, 1891 Tuesday

May 19 TuesdayWilliam Dean Howells wrote from Boston after reading in the newspapers that Sam was going to Europe. Sam had kept the plans private, telling only family and Frederick J. Hall.

I hope this is not ill health or ill luck that is taking you, but I am so worried about where to place myself here for the summer, that I almost wish I was sick or sorry enough to go to Europe, too.

I have been worrying away on my story [The Quality of Mercy] till it seems the most fool and futile thing ever attempted. Really I feel sometimes like simply running away from it. [Edward W.] Bok told me some weeks ago that you had finished your story, and sold him the serial rights. I’ve wondered how you managed to fight clear of my part in the plot, if you followed the lines of the play at all [MTHL 2: 643-4]. Note: before Sam signed the contract with Curtis and Bok, a better offer would come along. See this source note 3.

In Hartford Sam wrote to William Hamersley. Sam was in debt to Hamersley and enclosed a note that would extend the due date by fifteen days,

…to make it more convenient” for him. “If not also convenient for you, please return & substitute the 60-day form [MTP].

William Bispham for Players Club wrote to Sam acknowledging receipt of $10 [MTP].

Julius Chambers for N.Y. World wrote to Sam offering to “run up to Hartford and have a little chat with you about books and the art of writing them to form one of the series of a score or more to appear in The World…”

Martin J. Dixon for Klenk & Co., N.Y. wrote asking Sam whether there had been any agreement with one William E. Burton for him to use the title “Tom Sawyer” for a play based upon the book. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Brer, refer him to Danl Whitford of Alexander & Green 120 Broadway” [MTP].

A. Knoflach wrote from N.Y. to Sam asking if he might print a lecture of his which included the “Tale of the Fishwife” from Appendix D of TA. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Tell him haven’t any objection, Brer SLC” [MTP].

Check # Payee Amount [Notes]

5263 Henry Calishaw 2.50

5263 Mssrs. M.A. Welch 16.27

5265 Mr. Michael Egan 17.60 Laborer

5266 Saloman & DeLeeuw 5.00 Tobbacoists

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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