December 11, 1898 Sunday

December 11 Sunday – At the Hotel Krantz in Vienna, Austria, Sam added to his Dec. 8 to H.H. Rogers.

I worked yesterday & day before, & am in trim this morning to continue.

I have had two letters [not extant] from Bliss since you signed the contract [Nov. 11], but they contain not a whimper of dissatisfaction with the bargain—seems only to be delighted to be footloose & free to get to work on the Uniform. I couldn’t give the books to him 3 years ago, now he is glad to get them on my hard terms. It’s the same old human nature; Adam was the original Bliss; if God had told him to help himself, the crop would have rotted on the trees; but as soon as He loaded the apples up with extra-territorial royalties & other wanton exactions & obstructions, Adam was bound to sample the orchard if it cost him his shirt-tail. Bliss is happy, now, & I am too.

He isn’t so well satisfied with that $1000 McClure-article matter, but I have written him the kind of soft letter which turns away sorrow & leaves a check the same size it was before. …

There is a letter this moment [not extant] from Miss Harrison in which she says Cheiro is coming to New York by & by. I wish you would see him personally when he comes, & get him to reduce the time-limit on that fortune of mine. If he can pull it down to next year I am willing to take 15 per cent & leave the rest to you & him [MTHHR 380]. Note: see note Dec. 10 to Rogers for Cheiro reference.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.