December 28, 1898 Wednesday

December 28 Wednesday – In Vienna, Austria, Sam wrote to Richard Watson Gilder.

I get so many commonplace letters that are difficult to spell out & then don’t pay after I’ve got them spelled out, that this present Brief sparkles by contrast, & makes me imagine that if this girl should write you some local sketches in her own tongue & you could get them well translated she might do something interesting for the magazine….Make her do up that little village of hers—that lost village, that mislaid village, that village whose place on the planet God does not know and man couldn’t find on the map with a rake. They are darlings for interest, dear and unspoiled simplicities, those Roumanians, I guess—Jews, gipsies, and all—judging by those I encounter at intervals in Vienna, and I don’t believe they have ever been combed with a capable pen… [MTP: American Art Association catalogs, Jan. 5, 1927, Item 158 paraphrase]. Note: Louisa Wohl is the female referred to, according to the source, but not further identified. Wohl’s Dec. 26 to Sam is not extant.

Sam also wrote to Miss Solomons, thanking her for the “cordial words concerning” his “book”:

I tried to find a cheap copy some time ago for a friend in America, but failed; but my wife has been out this morning & found one for a half dollar, & will send it to you, & you can transfer the half dollar (I mean a similar one) to one of the charities of your neighborhood & that will square the account [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.