January 1, 1905 Sunday

January 1 Sunday – Sam’s notebook: contains a list of things to do lined through as if completed:

  • Ask about Congo.
  • And X S book.
  • And Howells article—give it to Century
  • Lacks loud humor [NB 47A TS 1].


Isabel Lyon’s journal: At midnight the wonderful tones of the river ocean steamer and factory whistles sent their great sound through the air and I leaned out to welcome the new year with oh a grateful heart. This morning Mr. Clemens was nervous after a wretched night and his crying out against “God Almighty and every member of the Ferin” was tragic. He has no patience with doctors, nor with nurses—all, all are quacks. He said “We’ll invent ways, offensive ways to break the sabbath.” –and we played cards. But first I read him a letter from Don Raffaello—a letter full of messages. And then after the reading of the letter Mr. Clemens talked of the Swindle of life. He has not been able to smoke much and that is too great a trial for any degree of comfort. Mrs. Rogers sent him 2 boxes of cigars; and Mr. Robert J. Collier sent him a lavish supply of most costly cigars—“Fuel” he called them, “for the new year.”

In the afternoon mother and I went up to see some mediocre pictures, but they were pictures, and after tea Mr. Gilder came in with his sweet greetings—and after dinner we (Mr. C. and I) played cards until 11 o’clock [MTP: TS 34]. Note: There are two “journals” or “daily reminders” TS for 1905. The “reminder” was on a preprinted date form, like a diary; the TS does not carry page #s as does the “journal” but are herein added for clarity—the “reminder” TS is referred to henceforth as Isabel Lyon’s journal #2, first entry for Jan. 11, 1905. No further distinction is made between “reminders” and journal entries. Examination was limited to TS’s. The originals were not studied.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.