January 30, 1905 Monday

January 30 Monday – Robert Galbraith wrote from Tarrytown, NY to Sam, having rec’d his letter (not extant) and check on Monday. He’d been kept busy shoveling snow that blew back at night [MTP]. Note: Sam’s letter had likely been sent on Saturday, Jan. 28.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: This afternoon Mr. Clemens went down to the library where I was writing and asked for music. The Aeolian seems to satisfy him. I had noticed a roll of MS. In his hand—and at tea time he read to us his latest article—the one on the Russians. I had never heard him read any of his writings before, and he is at his best then. Today he was wonderful. Thrilled with the tremendous interest of the naked Czar’s soliloquy. His voice shook with emotion. It is the strongest thing he has ever written, and you reach the power of him only when you can hear him read into his mighty words the soul of the thing as it stands to him. He is too tremendous in soul and in intellect. He is tremendous in his simplicity. Tremendous in the way he can be touched by the tribute of a servant, and every servant worships him [MTP: TS 39; Hill 99 in part MTOW p. 47 includes a crossed out section that doesn’t appear in the TS]. Isabel Lyon’s journal #2: Today Mr. Clemens gave us a rare treat for he read the MS of the article he has just finished: A Soliloquy of the Czar. / Jean began the typing of it today [MTP TS 3].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.