January 2, 1905 Monday

January 2 Monday Sam’s notebook: contains an aphorism circled, followed by a list of things to do lined through as if completed:

  • The lack of money is the root of all evil.
  • Satan article.
  • Change now to Dublin
  • Speak of FLYNT [NB 47A TS 1].


Isabel Lyon’s journal: Much of today has been spent in trying to find places for the books that are scattered—piled—on the library floor. Mr. Rogers came in this afternoon; and after he left I played cards with Mr. Clemens. It was restful. Mr. Clemens is better; coughs less and his gout pains are diminishing. I flew over to see mother for a few moments this evening and on my return we played cards until 11.

When Jean is in Mr. Clemens’s room and we play cards—or don’t—he gives a freer vent to his words and is therefore a dear delight. Tonight he had nothing but little “spot” cards, and he called them a “perfect puke of spot cards”—Ah, his bubbling is of a strength— Jean remonstrated and in a chuckle of joy he told about a man—a good man—who many years ago was stranded somewhere in Mexico without a cent. He hunted everywhere for work, and finally they offered him a chance to personate Christ in one of the religious processionals depicting Christ on his way to Calvary. The street was lined with godless folk who pelted him with rotten eggs, bad bananas and hideous other things. The man stood it with great dignity until the storm was too hot, then putting down his cross he said, “If I wasn’t personating God Almighty, I’d show yer a thing or two.” I think it was apropos of the fact that a “perfect puke of spot cards” was nothing to what Mr. Clemens could say if he were not upholding his dignity as Jean’s father. That’s what I think [MTP: TS 34-35].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.