January 3, 1905 Tuesday

January 3 Tuesday – Charles Langdon wrote to Sam, enclosing a check for $120, payment of coupons on bonds (Park Co. Montana, and General Electric Co.) which had been owned by Susie Clemens [MTP].

Sam’s notebook:

Reduce p.c. on Congo.
Do you want Jean’s new article?
Man born with fal[s]e teeth
Palmistry article
[with hand pointing up to next page] [NB 47A TS 1].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Busy a good part of the day with the books in the library, and with a foray at Wanamaker’s to find house and desk supplies. The morning paper brought the news that Gen. Stoessel has sent in a flag of truce and will abandon Port Arthur to the Japanese. The weather has changed from mild to severe with sleet that has made 5th Avenue terrible for the horses. Mr. Clemens sat up by the window this afternoon and after commenting on the bad climate, he said he “could make a better climate if he was drunk.” He seems quite helpless from the gout and nearly fell in reaching his arm chair. I caught him as his ankles gave way–and it alarmed me [MTP: TS 36].

A.W. Shaw wrote from Chicago to Sam to ask where he might obtain an original blue cloth copy of TS, as he had lost his copy [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.