January 24 Wednesday – Sam and Livy dined with Sir William Wilson Hunter (1840-1900), Francis Henry Skrine, Frank Frankfort Moore (1855-1931), British dramatist, novelist, poet; and others [Life of Sir William Wilson Hunter, etc. by Francis Henry Skrine (1901) p. 477]. Hunter would die on Feb. 6. See also Feb. 8 and 26 entries.

January 25 Thursday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam began a reply to William Dean Howells’ Jan. 14 that Sam finished on Jan. 26.

Yes, the short things will be added to Bliss’s Uniform Edition. Harper will issue two volumes of them in the spring. I consented a couple of weeks before their smash. They decline to give them up, now.

January 26 Friday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam finished his Jan. 25 to William Dean Howells.

January 27 Saturday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam wrote to Joe Twichell [MTP:

Paine’s 1917 Mark Twain’s Letters, p.694].

DEAR JOE,—Apparently we are not proposing to set the Filipinos free and give their islands to them; and apparently we are not proposing to hang the priests and confiscate their property. If these things are so, the war out there has no interest for me.

January 29 Monday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam wrote to Felix Volkhovsky (1846 -1914). Many opponents of the Russian Czar fled Russia for the refuge of Britain. Volkhovsky fled from Siberia and settled in west London, where his home became a meeting place for a community of Russian émigrés.

January 30 Tuesday – Sam tried to visit T. Douglas Murray, but the family was not at home [Jan. 31 to Murray].

January 31 Wednesday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam wrote to T. Douglas Murray, enclosing the introduction he wrote for the Official Trial Record of Joan of Arc.

I enclose the Introduction, corrected & reduced. I have retained several of the emendations made, & have added some others.

February – Sam also wrote an aphorism to Alfred E. Mann. “Never do wrong when people are looking” [MTP].

February 1 ThursdayJonas Henrick Kellgren Osteopath, billed £10.10.0 for the last half of January, Feb. 1, 1900 included, for Jean’s treatments [1900 Financial file MTP].

February 3 Saturday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam wrote to Poultney Bigelow, that they would be glad to come. “Mrs. Clemens says she has sent an invitation to you two for the same evening; but she will name another day” [MTP]. Note: date of the gathering not specified.

February 5 Monday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, marking the letter “Private”.

February 6 Tuesday – In London, Sam wrote to Funk & Wagnalls Co.: “In my experience I have found that one can do without principles” [MTP]. Note: letter UCCL 13072 is currently unavailable at MTP.

Samuel S. McClure wrote from N.Y.C. to Sam.