Submitted by scott on

January 26 Friday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam finished his Jan. 25 to William Dean Howells.

It was my intention to make some disparaging remarks about the human race; & so I kept this letter open for that purpose, & for the purpose of telling my dream, wherein the Trinity were trying to guess a conundrum propounded by One of Them regarding that premature birth; but I can do better—for I can snip out of the “Times” various samples & side-lights which bring the race down to date & expose it as of yesterday. …

I notice that God is on both sides in this war; thus history repeats itself. But I am the only person who has noticed this; everybody here thinks He is playing the game for this side, & for this side only. / With great love to you all / Mark [MTHL 2: 715-7].

Rogers wrote to Sam replying to his of Jan. 8 and of Jan. 13:

I have your favor of the 8th, also the one of the 13th inst. I have informed Mrs. Rogers what you said in regard to that grand Entertainment, and you may consider yourself booked. You certainly must come home in the Spring. We cannot have you away any longer. I am seriously contemplating the chartering of a yacht, in the expectation that you will look after the commissary department. It was not run to my satisfaction last year, and I want a skilful man at the head, if I follow the business.

I have read with interest your complimentary opinion of Doctors, and when I have the courage, I shall read it to our mutual friend. At present it would be dangerous.

Rogers gave his advice as requested about Samuel McClure’s offer for Sam to edit a new magazine. If everything was as described, Rogers felt “…it would be a nice business for you.” He admonished Sam to “stick to it” once his mind was made up [MTHHR 428-9 ]


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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