April 11 Thursday – At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote a few lines to Laura Fitch McQuiston in Fort Hancock, N.J. “I shall lose no opportunity that offers, to serve you. My expectations are small, because of the experiences behind me; but I shall watch & wait” [MTP]. Note: see earlier letters to McQuiston.
Sam also wrote to Mr. Robinson, a rental agent, inquiring about a house Livy had seen which they might rent, and which she wanted to see. He confessed there were “features” of the 10th Street house that Livy was not “altogether satisfied with.”
“I supposed we were likely to remain where we are for a year or so, but since marriage I have never been very good at supposing” [MTP]. Note: Sam mentioned the rental agent on their present house was coming the next day to see about re-renting the place.
Sam also wrote to Emilie R. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers).
I am bedridden again. Please read the letter of the Czar Tom Reed [Apr. 6]—also the purple pamphlet. And add this additional advantage: If you will buy $5 worth of soap of this boy (& really you must!) you will get one more acre & one more “row of vegetables” [MTP]. Note: Sam enclosed Thomas Reed’s typed letter. Frank Fuller’s Health Food Co. made a soap from vegetable oil and wheat gluten. See Jan. 27, 1902 from Fuller to Sam; the purple pamphlet may have told of Fuller’s soap.