April 2, 1901 Tuesday

April 2 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook: “Cody’s Wild West Madison Garden. Begin at 8 / Miss Harrison” [NB 44 TS 8]. Note: see this entry.

At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam replied to J. Henry Harper in N.Y.C. “Good. Then I shall expect you at noon tomorrow. I can’t come to you, for I am laid up with rheumatism” [MTP].

In the evening Buffalo Bill Cody brought his Wild West show to Madison Square Garden. His show included fourteen Boers and 22 members of the Strathcona Horse Group imported from South Africa. A parade on April 1 of the show’s elements went along 27th Street to Madison Ave. to 24th Street to Lexington Ave. to 59th Street to Fifth Ave. to Waverly Place, to Broadway, to Astor Place, to Fourth Ave. to the Garden. The New York Times, Apr. 1, p.9, “Buffalo Bill is Here,” announced that Mark Twain would be at the performance this evening. Did he go in spite of his rheumatism?

Augustus T. Gurlitz, Sam’s N.Y. attorney, wrote two letters to Sam. In the first Gurlitz reported that Harpers did not have the copyright papers for LM, as it was published by James R. Osgood in Boston. In the second letter he advised that the Kipling suit “comes up next Monday. I should like to have your testimony in the case….It will be impossible to establish the rights of authors unless they are ready to help each other when attacked” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.