April 1901

AprilArthur Newall wrote from England asking where he might obtain a copy of Sam’s obscure 1601 tale of Elizabethan England. Newall’s letter and Sam’s reply are not extant but referred to in Newall’s Jan. 24, 1905 letter. In the 1905 letter Newall wrote that Sam had mentioned that Lords Wolseley and Houghton might have a copy. See the 1905 entry [MTP].

Sam’s second article on the controversy surrounding Rev. Dr. Ament and the Board of Missions to China ran in the April issue of The North American Review, “To My Missionary Critics.” See Mar. 30 for the Tribune’s write up.

“Extracts from Adam’s Diary” ran in the Apr. issue of Harper’s Magazine, p.672. Originally published in 1893 as a souvenir item for the Buffalo World’s Fair in The Niagara Book, it was later revised and reissued in several forms. Selections from the extracts also ran in April’s Harper’s Monthly p. 378-89. Tenney: “Commentary says it is amusing” [34].

The Phrenological Journal and Science of Health ran an anonymous article, “Mark Twain—The World’s Greatest Humorist. Twenty Reasons Why We Say So. From a Personal Examination,” p.103-6. Tenney: “Source: Reprinted in Madeline B. Stern, ‘Mark Twain Had His Head Examined’ (1969)” [34].

Book Buyer, ran an anonymous article p.179. Tenney: “Anecdote concerning an MT lecture introduced by a local minister’s lengthy prayer….Includes photograph of MT, facing p.179” [34]. The same publication, p. 196-201 ran “Mark

Twain: More than Humorist” by R.E. Phillips, p. 196-201. Tenney: “Praises his keen observation and his dedication to ‘justice, absolute democracy and humanity’ in a discussion of MT as a serious writer’” [35].

Elbert Hubbard’s article “Heart to Heart Talks with Philistines by the Pastor of His Flock,” ran in The Philistine, p. 146-9 and contained a Mark Twain anecdote [Tenney 35].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.