December 2, 1901 Monday

December 2 MondayElisabeth Marbury wrote from N.Y.C. to Sam about whom she should select to make a libretto of CY. She had conferred with George W. Broadhurst, whom she thought “especially qualified” for the job, and also thought Mr. Englander could write the music. If Francis Wilson (Sam’s preference) would not do business on terms acceptable, did Sam have another preference or would he “leave the thing wholly in” Marbury’s hands? [MTP]. Note: Sam answered the next day, Dec. 3. George W. Broadhurst (1866-1952), playwright and manager. Ludwig Englander (1859-1914), Viennese born composer who scored nearly 30 Broadway musicals.

Henry Tyrrell from Collier’s Weekly wrote to Sam, following up on a talk they’d had on the previous Saturday (Nov. 30) and “setting forth in detail…the proposition submitted in behalf of Collier’s Weekly.” The offer was $10,000 for the year, asking for Sam to submit contributions “as in chatty correspondence with friends.” Would he meet with Robert J. Collier at luncheon in New York, at Sam’s convenience?[MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the back of the last page “Collier’s proposition. Can’t accept.”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.