December 27 Friday – Sam’s notebook: “Leave 7.27 arr. 7.55, Mr. Rockefeller will meet me. Read 2 stories Mrs. Clemens has an engagement” [NB 44 TS 19]. Note: Sam’s reading at Mr. Rockefeller’s monthly Bible class was postponed until Jan. 28. See entry.
In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.
Ah, the luck is with Harry & me!—a just reward of virtue. There’s no water in my Xmas presents. There is a profit of 27 per cent on my U.S. Steel—I don’t remember what I paid for it; do you? And my Amalgamated is nearly 70 points above what it cost me. These things make me thankful.
I am writing Jaccaci of McClure’s to come out & dine with us Monday next, or Tuesday or Thursday, & talk over a private matter—Monday preferablest [MTHHR 479]. Note: August F. Jaccaci (ca. 1870-1930), art director for McClure’s Magazine. He was also a member of The Players.
Sarah Grand was to arrive in Riverdale on the 12:15 from Grand Central [Grand of Dec. 24].