June 14, 1901 Friday

June 14 Friday – At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Susan Crane that he liked “that proposed gravestone exceedingly” and thanked her for arranging it. “I have penciled a comma into one of the verses—the only correction needed”[MTP]. Note: the mention of verses denotes possibly Susy’s gravestone.

Sam also wrote to George V.W. Duryee, of Adirondack Park Co., rental agent in Lake Saranac, N.Y., dictating to Frances A. Ramsay, stenographer.

To my astonishment I find that most people never heard of a Thaget, therefore the joke of giving the house that name would not be successful. Therefore we have substituted for it The Lair. Everybody knows what a lair is, and it is a good and unworn name. Lairs do generally contain dangerous animals, but I bring tame ones to this one.

Sam also noted he’d seen an “old-fashioned yawl” opposite the Riverside Inn and wished to rent it when they arrived [MTP: TS: The Bookman, Vol. 58, Jan. 1924, p.537]. Note: See May 10 for the contract between the Clemenses and George Duryee.

Sam also wrote to H.H. Rogers on E. Leon’s June 1 letter.

“Helmer allows us to go to-day week (Friday, 21st) . I shall see you before then. It will crowd us to get ready, but if working night & day will accomplish it we shall succeed, for the heat is having an alarming effect upon Jean” [MTP; not in MTHHR]. Note: George J. Helmer, Jean’s osteopath in NYC.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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