November 28, 1901 Thursday

November 28 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Livy wrote for Sam to George Austin Morrison, informing him that Sam would not be able to get to the Banquet of St. Andrew’s Society until 9:30 and “slip into his seat at the President’s table before the speeches begin” [MTP].

Theodore Weld Stanton for Harper & Brothers wrote from Paris to Sam, after his excursion to the Lower Valley of the Rhone. He had not actually discovered “The Lost Napoleon” but reported “I have done considerable towards its discovering, if it really exists….I came down in good style all the way to Arles, but most unfortunately the Mistral had been blowing for two or three days previous, with the result that the atmosphere was so filled with dust clouds, I could not even catch a glimpse of the mountain ranges on the left bank, where is concealed our slumbering warrior.” The trip would have to be made “in the fine season.” Plans were made to explore the mountain ranges between Orange and Avignon, though mirages of mountain-like clouds often fooled travelers [MTP]. Note: see Nov. 17 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.