November 5, 1901 Tuesday

November 5 TuesdayElection Day, New York City: The Fusion Ticket won Victory in the election, with Seth Low elected by a plurality of 33,000. William Travers Jerome was also elected District Attorney. This was a big defeat for Tammany Hall.

November 5 afterSam’s notebook:

Well, we have removed the chains from the limbs of every man in N.Y.; & if ever a man allows them to be put on him again he will deserve to land in his corner of the summer resort of the long Hereafter—early!


As between living in N.Y. under Tammany & in hell under Satan, I know of no choice.

It’s a victory! Who is it that won it? The Acorns! In a month we gathered in just enough numbrs to deliver the casting vote. The tri is consum—the night is past, the day is come!

Farewell—a long farew—an eternal farewell to all the obscene gang! Good-bye, Van Wick—Fromme— Unger—Engal—Murphy—Bissert—Devery— [NB 44 TS 13, 14]. Note: perhaps this and more not shown were a draft of his words to the victory crowd & parade of Nov. 6.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.