October 10 Thursday – Elisabeth Marbury wrote to Sam: “I am in receipt of your letter, and will attend to its contents at once” [MTP].
October 10 or 17 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Theodore Weld Stanton.
I will remain here at home all day to-morrow & to-morrow evening & wait for you. If you arrive in the morning, all right; if at luncheon-time, we’ll do our best for you with an inexpert cook; if at tea time or dinner-time, we will still do the very best we can to keep you from getting an indigestion.
If you are too busy to-morrow, name a day.
I wish I could go in & lunch with you, but I am all tied up with work & house-settling…[MTP].
Note: this letter dated only “Thursday” and assigned to October by the MTP. The “house-settling” puts this to early in the month, since the family moved in Oct. 1. It was not written on Oct. 3 since Sam was on the Kanawha, so this leaves the most likely date as Oct. 10, or less so, Oct. 17.