October 25, 1901 Friday

October 25 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Mr. Benthergsen of the N.Y. World, acknowledging receipt of a check for $288.76, which Sam wrote “squares up everything between the World and me and removes the last obstruction to the proper progress of the twentieth century….” [MTP:Kenneth W. Rendell catalogs, No. 134, Item 25]. Note: cable fees for sending the Nov. 1897 Reichsrath story ate up most of Sam’s fees; this squared the account.

Sam also wrote to Miss Meyer.

I stumbled by mistake into 25 Cadogan Gardens [London] in ’97 or ’98, & sat down (for a moment) in a circle of half a dozen visiting ladies who were waiting for the household to appear. I soon discovered that I was not acquainted with the furniture—So I knew I was in the wrong house. I tried to get out of the room uncaught, but was met in the door by a young lady who inquired (with her eyes) “What are you doing here?” I stammered out a reply of some sort—a lie, probably, for I was never able to tell the truth when embarrassed—& then fled without looking back to note the effect.

If it was you, I pay my long-belated debt—a humble apology. The lady I was trying to call upon was a Mrs. Robert Chapin, whom I had known in South Africa in ’96; & my errand was to say good-bye. I failed that time, but I accomplished it yesterday, at the Yale University Bi-Centennial Celebration, where I came across her by accident. It is never too late to attend to these social duties.

Sam referred to Miss Meyer’s letter, which is not extant [MTP].

Note: Sam’s notebook entry for June 26, 1897 includes a list of things to do; most are crossed out as completed. Number 13 “Visit Chapin’s” is not crossed out. This would be the likely period in 1897 Sam refers to here. Robert Chapin was the US Consul at Johannesburg in 1896. Miss Meyer is not further identified.

Sam also wrote to an unidentified lady about Mrs. Laura Fitch McQuiston (with whom he had corresponded earlier in the year about a spiritualist). The subject now was McQuiston’s need of an osteopath, but evidently she was in a hospital, and he was doubtful that the hospital would allow his osteopath, Dr. George Helmer, to treat her there. It would then be necessary to move the patient to Helmer [MTP].

Ernest Shipman of Shipman Brothers, N.Y.C. wrote to Sam about their production of PW, enclosing reviews from the Detroit Free Press and asking if Sam would “write a few lines to say that you have talked with Mr. Gill [the lead role actor], and that you feel he is capable as any one you know of to continue in your old friend May’s great success” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “A ghastly suggestion. Declined”

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam: “The enclosed letter explains itself. I have forwarded the book to you for your Autograph. Will you kindly mail the book, after inscribing your name, to Mr. Osborn?” [MTP]. Note: Sam replied sharply on Oct. 26.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.