October 18, 1900 Thursday

October 18 Thursday – At the Hotel Earlington in N.Y.C., Sam replied to an unidentified man’s request, perhaps a reporter’s for an interview:

I would have done it with great pleasure on “interviewing day,” but I have been saying no, ever since, & it would not be fair to those others to say otherwise this time. Consistency is seldom a virtue, but you will concede that in a case like this it is [MTP]. Note: “Interviewing day” likely being the evening they arrived in port.

William C. Van Benthuysen for N.Y. World wrote to Sam to clear up an old score Sam had with the paper before Benthuysen’s term there. Sam’s cable sent on Nov. 28, 1897, an account of the scenes in the Austrian parliament, had not been properly reimbursed, due to the high costs of the cable, which Sam paid. An enclosed letter from Tuohy, in which he’d appealed the issue to Joseph Pulitzer, owner of the World, argued for payment to Mark. Pulitzer agreed [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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