October 25, 1900 Thursday

October 25 ThursdaySam’s notebook: “10.30—11.30. Nichols—portrait” [NB 43 TS 27]. Note: Nicholson; see Oct. 22 entry.

At the Hotel Earlington in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Mary Benjamin (1879-1956), who was about to marry H.H. Rogers, Jr. (Harry Rogers).

Dear Miss Benjamin: / I feel a deep personal interest in this fortunate marriage because I helped to rear Harry Rogers & make him what he is. I gave him the high moral touch which you will discover in him in spots. In order to testify to you how thankful I am to you for taking him off my hands, I had the idea of sending you a diamond coronet as a bridal present, but I gave it up because I was not able to find any fresh diamonds in this year’s crop, they were all of earlier vintages, & some were second-hand; & so I have finally decided to ask you to accept of a set of my books instead; & this is all the better anyway, for diamonds invite the burglar, but he will not take books, except by request [MTP]. Note: the couple would marry on Nov. 7, 1900; Mary was “a great favorite” of Sam’s [MTHHR 743, 4].

Sam then wrote to Frank Bliss, probably enclosing the above note to Mary Benjamin. He asked that the “de luxe” set of his books be sent to Mary and charged to him:

“Send it as fast as you can, & send with it the enclosed note. This set is our bridal-present to Harry Rogers’s bride” [MTP].

Poultney Bigelow’s article, “God Speed Mark Twain!” ran in the The Independent, p.248 -50. Tenney: “On MT’s return to New York from his world lecture tour, and on his kindness to other authors. Sketch of MT by Bigelow” [32].

The Mutual Book Co., Boston, republished Sam’s essay (May 1887 in the Century), “English as She is Taught” as a little book. The essay was prepared by Sam using Caroline B. Le Row’s material. See Vol. II.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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