Submitted by scott on

December 1 - Town Hall, Adams, Massachusetts
December 2 - Music Hall, Troy, New York
December 3 - Wilgus Opera House, Ithaca, New York
December 4 - Grand Opera House, Syracuse, New York
December 5 - Opera House, Utica, New York
December 6 (two performances) - Academy of Music, Rochester, New York
December 7 - Elks Lodge, New Osburn house, Rochester, New York - speech. 
December 8 - Horticulture Gardens Pavilion, Toronto, Canada
December 9 - Horticulture Gardens Pavilion, Toronto, Canada
December 10 - Concert Hall, Buffalo, New York 
December 11 - Concert Hall, Buffalo, New York 
December 12 - University Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan
December 13 - Powers' Opera House, Grand Rapids, Michigan
December 15 - Opera House, Toledo, Ohio
December 16 - Whitney's, Detroit, Michigan
December 17 - Case Hall, Cleveland, Ohio
Christmas Recess,
December 29 - Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
December 30 - Grand Opera House, Dayton, Ohio
December 31 - Hamilton, Ohio

Town Hall, Adams, MA

According to Scharnhorst ((The Middle Years pg 430), they left Baltimore early Monday morning (after midnight).  Following Day By Day, they must have traveled to Hartford and Simsbury respectively. From New Haven, Twain would continue to Hartford and Cable would take the New Haven and Northampton to Simsbury.  Later that day the Clemens family drove north a few hours to Simsbury. Sam and Cable would take the New Haven and Northampton to Westfield, then the Boston and Albany to  Adams, Mass., on the western side of the state. Sam wrote at 6:30 PM from Adams, Mass.

Music Hall, Troy, NY

Sam and Cable arrived at Albany, New York at noon. Governor and President-elect Cleveland requested an audience. Writing to Livy the next day about the meeting: ...we had a quite jolly & pleasant brief chat with the President-elect. He remembered me easily, have seen me often in Buffalo, but I didn’t remember him, of course, & I didn’t say I did.

Wilgus Opera House, Ithaca, NY the opera house in Ithaca, New York, they opened to “a quiet, undemonstrative audience and presently had them clean out of themselves,” Cable chuckled. Afterward Sam went to a beer hall “and found about forty students from Cornell University” with whom he imbibed. [Page 430 The Life of Mark Twain - The Middle Years 1871-1891]

Grand Opera House, Syracuse, NY

Sam wrote from Syracuse, New York to Thomas Nast, thanking him for the Nast family’s recent hospitality in Morristown, N.J.

“ all your praying now, for a time is coming when you will have to go railroading & platforming, & then you will find you cannot pray any more because you will have only just time to swear enough” [MTP].

Opera House, Utica, NY

Railroad:  New York Central

Academy of Music, Rochester

Sam and Cable rose at 4:30 A.M . and took the train [from Utica?] to Rochester, New York, arriving at 10 A.M . They gave a 2 PM matinee reading in Rochester at the Academy of Music for a small, but “appreciative to a degree” audience, who fought a downpour to hear the two men. The evening performance was to “a large house and great fun.” Cable wrote his wife that neither of them had ever done so well [Turner, MT & GWC 66].

Horticulture Gardens Pavilion, Toronto, Canada

Sam and Cable arrived in Toronto, Canada at 4:30 P.M . on the Great Western train from Niagara Falls [Roberts 19]. In Toronto, Rose Publishing Co. applied to Sam to buy the Canadian rights to publish Huck Finn [Dec. 10 to Webster, MTP]. Ozias Pond was not the tour’s manager until after New Year’s day, but came with the pair. They all stated at the Rossin House, Toronto’s first luxury hotel. In the evening Sam and Cable gave a reading in Horticulture Gardens Pavilion, a 2,500 seat hall only six years old.

Concert Hall, Buffalo, NY

The Dawson Brothers in Canada and Chatto & Windus in London published Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [Powers, MT A Life 489; Roberts 22].

University Hall, Ann Arbor, MI

Sam took a train from Buffalo at 12:30 A.M . and arrived at Ann Arbor, Mich. at 10 A.M. Sam wrote from Ann Arbor to Livy:

"...went straight to bed, declining President Angel’s [Buffalo University] invitation to dinner & meet ex-President Hayes’s wife & others at 6 this evening. It will be a long time before I sample anybody’s hospitality again. I have been asleep two hours, & shall resume it right off. I find no letters here—hope for some before we get away. I love you sweetheart "[MTP].

Powers' Opera House, Grand Rapids, MI

Two copies of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were deposited in the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, though the official publication did not take place until Feb. 18, 1885 [Hirst, “A Note on the Text” Oxford edition, 1996].

Wheeler Opera House, Toledo, OH

Sam wrote two letters from Toledo, Ohio to Livy. After remarking on the “prettiest furniture” of the hotel the night before in Jackson, Mich., Sam told of his day: “We got up at 5 & took the train. All the way, in the cars, was a mother with her first child—the proudest & silliest fool I have struck this year. She beat the new brides that one sees on the trains” [MTP].

As GW Cable refused to travel on Sundays, he departed Grand Rapids at 5 am Monday, December 15 to arrive in Toledo in time for the show.

Whitney's Opera House, Detroit, MI

They stayed the night in Toledo and visited with Petroleum V. Nasby (David Ross Locke), a man Cable describes as "an easy talker, a coarse man of the harder world, successful and unsatisfied".

O dear! He went with us to our hotel & stayed until his cigar was only half an inch long. Then he said good-night. I'm glad he's gone. He's a bad dream. He laughed at us for confessing fatigue. Said he knew nothing about any loss of power on the platform from that cause.

Case Hall, Cleveland, OH

...they registered at the Forest City House in Cleveland

Thursday, December 18, 1884:     --     Sunday, December 28, 1884:

He would most likely have taken the Lakeshore Railroad to either Dunkirk or Buffalo.  From either of these location Sam could take the New York, Lake Erie and Western (the name of the Erie Railroad from 1878 to 1895).  From Dunkirk he would pass through Salamanca.  Either route would take him through Elmira and I have found no reference to his visiting Elmira at this time.  Another route from Buffalo would be on the New York Central and Hudson Ri

Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh
Grand Opera House, Dayton, Ohio
Hamilton. OH or Paris, KY

Cardwell notes that they were in Paris, KY on December 31. (pg 31 Cardwell) as does Touring with Cable and Huck, Scharnhorst has them in Hamilton: