December 13 and 14, 1884

Powers' Opera House, Grand Rapids, MI

Two copies of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were deposited in the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, though the official publication did not take place until Feb. 18, 1885 [Hirst, “A Note on the Text” Oxford edition, 1996].

Sam wrote from Grand Rapids, Mich. to Livy, that they’d spent the whole day on the train and would rest in bed an hour before his reading. He was homesick again, and ate chestnuts the children had left in his overcoat pockets. Cable visited a Baptist church where he was called on to talk to the Sunday school [Cardwell 29]. 

Daily Morning Democrat, December 14, 1884


The "Mark Twain"-Cable Readings.

"The readings by Messrs. Clemens and Cable at Powers' opera house last evening proved a very pleasant entertainment. Readings usually are rather tedious affairs, and an audience is sure to get wearied long before the close of the programme is reached. In the present instance the time passed away delightfully, and the only regret experienced seemed due to the fact that the "solemnities" of the occasion, as Mark Twain put it, had been brought to a close altogether too soon to suit the pleasure of the very large audience present."

"Of course "Mark Twain" is simply himself, and to be appreciated must be heard. Being a humorist by profession, he looks a good deal like an undertaker during a lull in business; his voice is of a low pitch, the expression of his countenance non-commital, his movements not really graceful, his gait just a trifle shambling. He talks in a matter-of-fact way, has a very pleasant smile which lingers with apparent fondness 'neath the cover of a heavy moustache, seems not at all distressed by his own jokes, and goes at his work evidently aware of the fact that "business is business," and must be looked after. Mr. Cable is of a dark complexion, slight in figure, rather high-pitched voice, somewhat given to gesticulating freely while reading, and thoroughly in earnest while at work."

Sam and Cable gave a reading in Grand Rapids, Mich. Afterward the two went to Professor and Mrs. Rogers’ reception given to Mrs. Rutherford Hayes (Lucy Ware Hayes), wife of the ex-President. Cable wrote she was “a fine looking woman.” Cable reported they... “ away very early & went to the tavern & to supper. A deputation of students waited to see us in the parlor. Rec’d them standing and after some pleasant exchanges parted from them & went to bed...” [Turner, MT & GWC 70].

Charles Webster wrote to Clemens: “We brought out the book all right and the copyright on Huck Finn is perfect” Good sales were coming in from agents, though the depression hampered [MTP].

Sam departed Grand Rapids Sunday, December 14th at 6 pm. and arrived in Jackson, Michigan at 10 pm.  From Sam's letter to Livy, dated December 15 from Toledo: 

Livy darling, I tarried a few hours at Jackson, last night, in the hotel, & slept in a room newley furnished in mahogany, the prettiest furniture you almost ever saw—bedstead, dressing bureau, chairs & sofas. And on the floor were moquetrie carpets & rugs which were close imitations of the rag carpets of a former generation, but soft as velvet, of course.

Sam and Major Pond departed Grand Rapids  and traveled to Jackson,  Cable remained to observe the Sabbath.  He departed for Toledo early Monday morning.

Scharnhorst writes that Sam was with Ozias Pond rather than Major Pond.

Railroads:  Michigan Central