Jerusalem to Jericho
The Jordan
The Dead Sea
Mar Saba

This excursion will occupy 3 days, and the best way of arranging it, both for convenience and profit, is to encamp the first night at Jericho, taking care to visit the objects of interest near it in the evening; start the second morning very early for the Jordan and Dead Sea, and spend the second night at Mar Sâba. An early ride the third morning brings us to Bethlehem, and active people may even take in the Frank mountain without much extra labour, leaving still sufficient time to see the lions of Bethlehem before returning to Jerusalem. The order may also be reversed, preserving the same stages. Tents are, of course, required at Jericho, but they may be sent back to the city from thence; or perhaps, for the sake of the beds and provender, it may be as well to forward them to the convent of Mar Sâba. The traveller who intends to enter this desert convent will require to procure an order from the Greek patriarch, or his agent at Jerusalem, without which no one is admitted within the walls. Ladies will remember, too, that the sex is under a ban in this holy spot, and can on no pretence whatever gain admission. 

To make this excursion an escort is absolutely necessary, as without it the adventurous traveller will unquestionably “fall among thieves” ere he reaches the Jordan; and will be likely to need the services of some “ good Samaritan.” A few years ago an arrangement was made by (I believe) the English consul with the sheikh of Abu Dîs, a small village near Bethany, to furnish an escort, and guarantee the safety of the traveller’s person and property, at the rate of 100 piastres a-head. But lately the government have taken the matter in their own hands, engaging to furnish an escort, without any guarantee however, for half the above sum. This arrangement is by no means satisfactory. When the pasha undertakes the escorting of travellers, he should be responsible for all losses ; and he ought to guard them at so much for each party instead of each person. When 15 or 20 travellers go together, as is often the case, it is pure imposition to be obliged to pay 8l. or 10l. for the services of a couple of horsemen, who may 'or may not be able to protect them. 

All arrangements being made, and the escort already flourishing their old matchlocks, or long lances, we mount and follow them. Again we wind round Olivet, and, passing Bethany, enter the “wilderness of Judæa.” The road soon becomes dreary enough, running among white desolate hills, and white rugged valleys, without a tree or shrub, or even a green grass-tuft. It would be almost insupportable were it not for the associations, and a certain spice of danger just sufficient to keep up the attention. Here and there the gleam of a matchlock catches the eye behind some projecting rock, or a tufted spear is seen winding suspiciously round the shoulder of a hill: but these are the only signs of present occupation; except, indeed, by some chance we fall in with a flock of goats.


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