December 3 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to Elisabeth Marbury’s Dec. 2 question. He had no preferences after Francis Wilson, and so left the matter in her hands [MTP].
Frank Fuller wrote from N.Y. on his Health Food Co. stationery to Sam.
“My Dear Markibus; It never occurred to me to present you with an essay of mine written 20-odd years ago concerning soap & what may be accomplished by allowing a protecting lather thereof to dry on. I enclose it” [MTP]. Note: Fuller enclosed a folded flyer by his company on Gluten Soap, good for Cutaneous Affections, as a beautifier, for sunburn, potency as a Nutrient and as a Tooth-Wash. “In Chronic Diarrhea, enemas of a strong solution of Gluten Soap are especially valuable.” Fuller’s letter seems a reply to one (not extant) from Clemens.