American Vandal Part 6

February 19 to March 20, 1869

"But the time between some of the engagements was not wasted, for whenever the opportunity offered he hurried to Elmira to be with Livy and to read proof on Innocents Abroad.  The tour finally came to an end on March 3 in Lockport, New York, after which he hurried off to a longer visit at Elmira before proceeding to Hartford...."  (Lorch pg 96)  

Lorch's statement regarding Twain's immediate return to Elmira may not be correct.  Twain's letter of March 6, 1869 to Olivia and Charles Langdon would indicate otherwise.  Indications are that he went directly to Hartford from Lockport.

February 23 - March 3, 1869:  Trenton, New Jersey; Stuyvesant, New York; Geneseo, New York; Lockport, New York

February 19-22 Elmira

... left Elmira on 22 February, bound for Trenton, New Jersey, by way of New York City, which he probably reached early on 23 February. He lectured in Trenton that evening.   From Elmira to New York City would have been about 258 miles aboard the New York and Erie Railroad; Crossing the Hackensack River, about 4 miles on the New Jersey Central; and 33 miles to Trenton, New Jersey, 18 miles on the New Jersey Line and 25 miles on the Camden and Amboy.

February 23, 1869:  Taylor Hall, Trenton, New Jersey

 On 24 February he returned to New York and waited “all day” for a room at the St. Nicholas Hotel, where he joined Olivia’s father, who was himself in the city on business. In the evening they tried and failed to visit Fidele Brooks, and early on the next day, 25 February, Clemens took the train 125 miles north to Stuyvesant. He lectured in Stuyvesant on the evening of 25 February (“City Items,” Trenton [N.J.] State Gazette, 23 Feb 69, 3; Lane; “Morning Arrivals,” New York Evening Express, 24 Feb 69, 3; “Personal Intelligence,” New York Evening Telegram, 25 Feb 69, 4; “Home News,” New York Tribune, 25 Feb 69, 8).

SLC to Olivia L. Langdon, 26 Feb 1869, Brooklyn, N.Y. (UCCL 00259), n. 1. 

25 February, 1869 Stuyvesant, New York

 Clemens took the train 125 miles north on the Hudson River Railroad to Stuyvesant. He lectured in Stuyvesant on the evening of 25 February.  Judging from the 1870 railroad maps Twain would have traveled 10 miles from Stuyvesant to Albany on the Hudson River Railroad.  From Albany to Rochester, about 221 miles aboard the New York Central, then 54 more miles to Lockport aboard the Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Lewiston Railroad.

SLC to Olivia L. Langdon, 26 Feb 1869, Brooklyn, N.Y. (UCCL 00259).” In  Mark Twain’s Letters, 1869.

 left Stuyvesant at 9:00  a.m.  on 26 February, he must have traveled all day as well as all night to reach Lockport, which was approximately 250 miles to the northwest, near Lake Ontario.

SLC to Olivia L. Langdon, 27 Feb 1869, Lockport, N.Y. (UCCL 00260).” In  Mark Twain’s Letters, 1869.

March 1, 1869:  Concert Hall, Geneseo, New York

The date was Tuesday, 2 March. After lecturing in Geneseo the previous evening, Clemens was again in Rochester, bound for Lockport, where he had rescheduled his lecture for Wednesday, 3 March.
SLC to Olivia L. Langdon, 2 March 1869, Rochester, N.Y. (UCCL 00264).” In  Mark Twain’s Letters, 1869.

Twain needed to travel 54 miles back to Rochester then 23 miles to Geneseo on board the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad.  Then, back to Lockport again.

March 3, 1869:  Arcade Hall, Lockport, New York


March 4 Thursday  –  Sam wrote from  Lockport  to  Livy:

“My  last  lecture (for some time, at least,) is delivered, & I am so glad that I  must  fly to you (on paper,) & make you help me hurrah. The long siege is over, & I may rest at last. I feel like a captive set free” [MTL 3:  134].

Sam was not through lecturing, but he would have a twelve-day rest. He left Lockport for  Hartford, traveling all night and part of the next day.  The journey would be about 407 miles:  Lockport to Rochester, 56 miles on the Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Lewiston;  Rochester to Albany, 224 miles on the New York Central;  Albany to Pittsfield, 50 miles on the Hudson and Boston;  [Boston & Albany]  Pittsfield to Springfield, 52 miles on the Boston and Albany; then Springfield to Hartford, 25 miles on the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield.

March 5 - Back in Hartford.  He gives as his address 148 Asylum Street, Hartford.  This is the address of the Office of the American Publishing Company.

March 13 - Mark Twain traveled to Boston with Petroleum V. Nasby.  There were two possible/likely routes they could have taken.  The northern route, about 122 miles:  Hartford to Springfield,  25 miles on the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield;  From Springfield to Worcester then to Boston on the  Boston and Albany.

The southern route, about 113 miles went from Hartford to Providence, about 90 miles on the Hartford, Providence and Fishkill;  then 42 miles to Boston on the Boston and Providence

Scharnhorst (page 500 The Life of Mark Twain: The Early Years, 1835-1871) that Sam made is first visit to Boston March the 14th to visit with Petroleum Nasby at the Parker House Hotel.

March 15 - Twain returned to New York City from Boston.  The route he took is unknown but there appear to be three possible roads.  The southern-most appears to have breaks along the coast line.  It uses the Boston and ProvidenceHartford, Providence and FishkillNew York, Providence and Boston;  New Haven, New London and Stonington (with breaks along the coast); and, New York and New Haven.  The two northern and westerly lines use the Boston &Albany railroad.  The eastern-most of these two routes runs from Springfield to New Haven using the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield Railroad.   The more westerly line uses the New Haven and Northampden from Westfield to New Haven.  All three possible routes us the New York and New Haven from New Haven to New York.

The following two dates are noted in:  Lecture Schedule, 1868–1870, (MTDP 00329), n. 1. 

16 Mar 69 - Newtown, N.Y.12 Mar 69 to OLL   

After this show Twain departed New York for Elmira., arriving on the evening of the 17th.

20 Mar 69 - Sharon, Pa.

Times  (24 Mar 69) or  Herald  (27 Mar 69).  The journey from Elmire to Sharon, PA would have begun with the Chemung Railroad, from Elmira Station to Horseheads.  Twain would have then boarded the New York and Erie bound for Hornell.  It is possible he switched to the Buffalo, Corning and New York at Painted Post and traveled to Batavia and from there on the New York Central to Buffalo.  From Hornell, Twain would have taken the Buffalo. New York and Erie to Buffalo.    Along the Hudson River the 1870 files have no name for the line that would become the Hudson River Railroad, first from Buffalo to the New York State border, then to Girard Junction.  From Girard Twain would have boarded the Erie and Pittsburgh to Greenville and from there to Sharon.

March 21 Sunday  Sam returned to Elmira, where he continued proofing Innocents Abroad with Livy.