Excursion to Gernsbach

Sunday, August 4, 1878: Sam and Joe took another one-day excursion from Baden Baden to Ebersteinburg to Nuehaus to Gernsbach, where they drank beer. The pair returned to Baden Baden in the evening. (DBD)

To Gernsbach. The old road leads from the Teufelskanzel towards the E. through the wood, and soon commands a view of the Murgthal (better road to Gernsbach by Lichtenthal, see below). Below the (1 1/4 M.) Neuhaus a broad and steep path descends to the r. to (1 I1/4 M.) Staufenberg whence the valley is followed to (1 1/2 M.) Gernsbach. The carriage-road from the Neuhaus continues to skirt the hill to the l.