June 1, 1881 Wednesday

June 1 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to J.S. Wood replying to a request for some unidentified materials. “…my slips will arrive ‘the day after the Fair’ ” [MTP]. This may possibly be John Seymour Wood (1853-1934), Author.

Orion Clemens wrote to his brother that he now had 1776 MS. pages on his autobiography [MTP].

Mrs. John Olmstead wrote from Boston to Clemens:

“The enclosed letter, from my friend Miss Morgan, came yesterday in my regular weekly communication from her, and I presume you will be happy to make the acquaintance of such an earnest, and successful worker among the hitherto neglected & needy ones. / Respectfully Yours, Mrs. J. Olmstead” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “From a dam fool in Tennessee”.

Miss E.T. Morgan’s letter of May 27 inclosed in Olmstead’s; in part:

Dear Sir, Your nom de plume is more of a household word than your veritable name, and if I use it as your address because it is pleasantly familiar, and also find it necessary to append the dignifying letters I.S. (Imperial Satirist), don’t allow your brilliant imagination and love of fun to construe them into something doubtful or derogatory. Many thanks for the twenty five dollars you gave Mrs. Olmstead for me; but your native South ought to be able to get a much larger donation at your hand. Tennessee disputes Missouri’s claim as your birth place, and if this state is right, then surely she is entitled to whatever aid her distinguished son can give her toward the civilization and elevation of her other children…. [MTP] Note: Morgan thought he should send $500 at least, or come to Knoxville and give two lectures to aid the children there.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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